Our Project
The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education (LCFCE) is a grant-funded project of the American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law. LCFCE advances its mission of transforming systems and improving law and practice to create better outcomes for children in foster care by providing:
A strong national voice for the education of children in foster care
A centralized source of information on foster care and education
A facilitator of networks for education advocates and child welfare professionals
A provider of training and technical assistance across the country
We are thankful for the current support of the following organizations, that allow us to continue to pursue our mission and impact the field.

Our History
The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education (LCFCE) was created in 2007, in response to a growing need in the field for attention and information to overcome the challenges facing students in foster care and the need to improve their education outcomes and trajectories. Our goal was to align support to the field and make an impact at the national, state and local levels.
We are grateful for our former partners-- the Education Law Center and the Juvenile Law Center-- who worked with us to support the early activities of the LCFCE. ELC and JLC continue to be important colleagues and thought partners for our ongoing work.
We are also grateful to our past supporters, particularly Casey Family Programs, who provided significant investment in the early years of our project, and others including the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Stuart Foundation. This combined with our current supporters, listed above, allows us to continue to be a national leader in this important work and strategically plan for the future.

Meet the Team
Kathleen McNaught
Director of Education Projects
Emily Peeler
Senior Attorney
Sneha Barve
Senior Attorney
Ashley Moore
Staff Attorney
Steven Jessen-Howard
Staff Attorney
Carolyn Lipp
Staff Attorney