Legal Center for Foster Care and Education Publications and Resources

Q&A: How Can Courtroom Resources Support Judges to Address the Education Needs of Children in Care
Q&A: Child and Family Service Reviews and the Education Well-Being Outcome
Article: The Court’s Role in Supporting Education for Court-Involved Children
Article: Schools as Partners in Education Advocacy for Foster Youth: Tips for Attorneys on Engaging Schools
Article: Tutoring Youth in Foster Care: Considerations for Supporting Academic Success
Webinar: Targeted Education Case Management for Students in Foster Care: Models and Impact (July 12, 2023). This webinar highlighted two exemplary practice models that provide targeted education case management for students in foster care. Treehouse provides academic and other essential support for more than 6,000 youth in foster care across Washington State each year. The National Center for Youth Law's Compassionate Education System initiatives work in partnership with a deeply invested team of state and local partners, students, and parents to create a future in which the vast majority of system-involved youth graduate high school with the widest array of possibilities for their future. Both organizations provided an overview of their programs, examples of impact, and strategies to better support the educational needs of students in foster care. Click here for the slide deck from the webinar.