2024 National Data Toolkit

Education is a critical, yet often overlooked, issue for youth experiencing foster care – one that deeply affects their stability and well-being. Educational success can be a positive and stabilizing counterweight to abuse, neglect, and family separation. Collecting, evaluating, and sharing education information of children in foster care is essential to improving their educational outcomes. The information gathered and shared across systems allows us to track trends, deficits, and improvements for students experiencing foster care. It can help shape education and child welfare policies, programs, and practices and support increased funding for effective programs. Moreover, bi-directional information exchanges between agencies are crucial to supporting individual students. Schools require important information from child welfare agencies about placement changes and caregivers while access to an individual student’s education information is critical to both the child welfare and education agencies providing the student with appropriate services and supports. 

About This Toolkit

With the funding and support of the Hilton Foundation, the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education, a project of the ABA Center on Children and the Law, created this Data Toolkit to encourage child welfare and education agencies to work together to improve the quality of their information and data sharing practices.

In This Toolkit

Why Sharing Foster Care and Education Data is Important

Data shows us students experiencing foster care face frequent school changes, delayed enrollment when school changes occur, higher rates of school suspensions and expulsions, lower achievement in reading and math, higher levels of grade retention, and lower high school and college graduation rates. Child welfare agencies and education agencies can securely share limited, critical information about students experiencing foster care to facilitate better cross-agency collaboration and support improved educational outcomes.

Legal Framework for Data and Information Sharing

State and local governments have a critical role to play in ensuring that high-quality data linkages are being implemented. Furthermore, there have been several significant changes to federal policy that support data collection and information sharing between child welfare and education agencies.

State & Regional Resources

Several state and local governments across the nation have enacted or implemented laws and policies that support more comprehensive or more frequent data and information sharing between agencies. Jurisdictions seeking to improve their data practices can look to states and local agencies that have established sound processes for insight into successfully sharing information across systems.

*FEATURED RESOURCE* "Foster Care and Education Data Guide: A Process and Tools for Collection, Analysis, and Collaboration"

This Guide supports child welfare agencies, education agencies, and third-party partners in improving educational outcomes for youth in foster care through effective data collection, sharing, and reporting. It provides actionable steps to assess data capacity, address gaps, and encourage cross-system collaboration, offering practical tools, examples, and strategies tailored to diverse contexts and goals.

Tools and Resources

In this section, you will find several helpful tools and resources to support improved data and information sharing practices, including a comprehensive guide on collecting, sharing, and reporting data. You will also find interactive tools and assessments to evaluate your jurisdiction’s data sharing processes.

Inter-Agency Collaboration

What is Required

Each state education agency (SEA) is responsible for collecting required data from LEAs (local education agencies), monitoring compliance with reporting requirements, and sending aggregated data to ED.
Local child welfare agencies must include certain education records in the case plan of students receiving IV-E funds, including: the names/addresses of the student’s educational providers; the student’s school record and grade-level performance; and other relevant education information.
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) oversees the foster care provisions of ESSA, the SEA foster care points of contact, and federal reporting requirements for SEAs and LEAs.
LEAs/schools districts receiving Title I funds are required to report on certain data elements for students in foster care.
The Children’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) oversees state child welfare agencies and child welfare education points of contact.
State child welfare agencies encompass the Title IV-E agencies of all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Tribes with approved Title IV-E plans.

What is Needed

Local child welfare agencies must include certain education records in the case plan of students receiving IV-E funds, including: the names/addresses of the student’s educational providers; the student’s school record and grade-level performance; and other relevant education information.
LEAs/schools districts receiving Title I funds are required to report on certain data elements for students in foster care.
State child welfare agencies encompass the Title IV-E agencies of all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Tribes with approved Title IV-E plans.
The Children’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) oversees state child welfare agencies and child welfare education points of contact.
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) oversees the foster care provisions of ESSA, the SEA foster care points of contact, and federal reporting requirements for SEAs and LEAs.
Each state education agency (SEA) is responsible for collecting required data from LEAs (local education agencies), monitoring compliance with reporting requirements, and sending aggregated data to ED.

What is Possible

State child welfare agencies encompass the Title IV-E agencies of all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Tribes with approved Title IV-E plans.
Local child welfare agencies must include certain education records in the case plan of students receiving IV-E funds, including: the names/addresses of the student’s educational providers; the student’s school record and grade-level performance; and other relevant education information.
LEAs/schools districts receiving Title I funds are required to report on certain data elements for students in foster care.
The Children’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) oversees state child welfare agencies and child welfare education points of contact.
Each state education agency (SEA) is responsible for collecting required data from LEAs (local education agencies), monitoring compliance with reporting requirements, and sending aggregated data to ED.
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) oversees the foster care provisions of ESSA, the SEA foster care points of contact, and federal reporting requirements for SEAs and LEAs.

The Importance of Sharing Foster Care and Education Data

The data on the educational success of students in foster care makes clear that many of these students are in an educational crisis: they exhibit lower academic achievement, lower standardized test scores, higher rates of grade retention, greater absenteeism and truancy, and higher dropout rates. Only one-third of students receive a regular high school diploma within four years, and only three percent graduate from college. Collecting, evaluating, and sharing information on the education of children in out-of-home care is essential to improving their educational outcomes. 

At the individual student level, data sharing allows educators and child welfare agencies to serve individual students more effectively and appropriately by identifying students in need of support, informing interventions for those students, and tracking their progress over time and through system involvement. These students are often highly mobile and need the coordinated help of both agencies to make smooth transitions between schools, identify and meet educational needs, resolve attendance and discipline issues, ensure student engagement and successful progression toward a high school credential and beyond. 

At the aggregate level, data sharing helps us understand the systemic challenges that students in foster care face, inform collaborative solutions to identified problems, and track progress toward improving outcomes for students in foster care. Data sharing can also increase accountability among state and local agencies, fulfill reporting requirements, make the case for resources and targeted/increased funding, and guide cross-system collaboration.  

More Resources on the Importance of Data Sharing

What Data Should be Shared?

Two fundamental questions are at the heart of data sharing: which students are in foster care and how are students in foster care doing educationally? 

On the education side, school staff must know which students are in foster care, as these students are entitled to legal protections, including the right to school stability, transportation to their school of origin, and immediate enrollment. Knowing which students are in foster care also triggers several questions that educators need to consider, including: who has the right to make education and special education decisions for this child? Who should be invited to school meetings and who is allowed to access the child’s records? How will the child get to school and who is responsible for ensuring the child has transportation to school?

On the child welfare side, staff need to know how students in foster care are doing educationally to effectively meet their needs- including any social-emotional or behavioral challenges, attendance issues, school discipline, unmet special education needs, or other issues that might lead a student to experience school drop out or pushout, not promote to the next grade, or be off-track to graduate. With access to accurate, up-to-date data, caseworkers can assist with school transitions, ensure continuity of special education services, and provide increased supports for students—including tutoring, counseling, mentorship, or other student-centered supports.   

High-quality, secure data linkages ensure child welfare and education agencies have the most complete picture of these students’ experiences and needs. Child welfare agencies can share information about the student’s foster placement and history of placement changes, the education decision maker and caseworker contact information,  and the student’s eligibility for Title IV-E services and funds. Education agencies can share student-centered data like attendance, behavior and disciplinary records, extracurricular engagement as well as data on student outcomes for students in (and not in) foster care. Together, having high-quality data linkages between foster care and K–12 data systems allows states to answer questions such as: 

  • Are students in foster care remaining in their school of origin? If not, are they immediately enrolled in a new school? How often do students in foster care change schools each year?  

  • What percentage of students in foster care are receiving special education services? What percentage of students in foster care are enrolled in advanced coursework compared to students who are not in foster care?  

  • What are the academic outcomes and on-time high school graduation rates of students in foster care compared to those of their peers?  

  • What percentage of students in foster care are suspended and expelled from school compared to students who are not in foster care?  

  • Are students in foster care consistently receiving services they are entitled to, such as free and reduced-price lunch? 

  • How should state policies be revised to help students in foster care successfully complete high school and prepare for college and careers? 

New Resources

To learn more about the educational outcomes of students in foster care, see the 2022 National Data Sheet.

Student Information Confidentiality and Privacy

Confusion around confidentiality and information sharing in the child welfare context exists both for student-specific and system-level information sharing. Student-specific information sharing can be vital to ensuring that each child gets the support they need from education and child welfare agencies. System-level information, both quantitative and qualitative, is vital to developing a comprehensive picture of the educational problems children in out-of-home care face and the policies and supports they need. Each presents a different set of legal issues and practical approaches.

Research, Reports, and Promising Programs

In addition to the education and data work being done by government agencies, other groups such as advocacy organizations, services providers, and researchers collect their own foster care and education data or utilize available data. This work sheds light on the challenges students experiencing foster care face and allows programs to share the outcomes and impacts of their efforts. Below are a few key examples of reports, research, studies, and data-driven promising programs on education and foster care.

State & Regional Resources

Click on a state using the map below to see resources by state.

Featured Resources

Tools and Resources