It’s Back-to-School Season!

Back-to-school season is a busy time for students, parents and caregivers, caseworkers, and child welfare agency Points of Contact (POCs). It is also an opportunity to prioritize the education needs and holistic well-being of children and youth experiencing foster care. The Legal Center on Foster Care and Education created three companion resources to help:

A checklist that provides child welfare caseworkers with suggested best practices based on key federal requirements to help ensure education stability and success for students experiencing foster care. It can be used prior to the start of the school year to ensure all students currently in care have what they need, but also referred to throughout the school year and for students who enter care at any time.

A webinar on September 5th, 2024 on how child welfare professionals can promote educational stability and success for students in foster care.

A condensed version of the checklist to assist in back-to-school preparations for students experiencing foster care.